August 7, 2024
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on August 7, 2024. Mayor Bill Goebel called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll wall was answered by Councilmen Cole Buffo, Jeff Channell, Charles Leet, John Neeley & Mike Thornburg. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, City Clerk Casey Dansel, City Attorney Clayton Kerbs, & Undersheriff Andrew Paasch.
Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the consent agenda containing the July minutes & Appropriation Ordinance #2024-07. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
LAND BANK BUDGET MEETING: Councilman Channell made a motion to suspend the regular council meeting and convene as the Land Bank governing body for the Land Bank Budget Meeting. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Buffo made a motion to open the Land Bank Budget Meeting. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Mr. Ort presented the 2025 Land Bank Budget. No public comment. Councilman Buffo made a motion to approve the 2025 Land Bank Budget. Councilman Neeley seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Channell made a motion to close the Land Bank Budget meeting. Councilman Buffo seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Buffo made a motion to return to regular session of council meeting. Councilman Leet seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: Attorney Clayton Kerbs gave an update on the Gil Burns property. Real estate contract has been presented to Ms. Millershaski. She will return it to Clayton once signed.
UNDERSHERIFF REPORT: Undersheriff Paasch reported to the council that they have visited with several citizens regarding golf cart permits and people have been coming to the city office to purchase their permits. City lake patrol is going well and sheriff’s office has assisted visitors in obtaining permits. They also were able to obtain the catch pole from Derek Weber for the dog catcher duties.
Geologist Ned Marks explained to the council the details of the project to this point and then shared with them some of the next steps to be expected. Councilmembers and the mayor asked various questions, which were answered, and Mr. Marks was thanked for taking the time to be at the meeting to meet with them.
John Neeley informed the council he had recently acquired a shed he will soon be moving to Jetmore. He would like to place the shed on his lot across the street from his house. He requested the council grant him a variance so that he may be allowed to place his shed in line with Lance Roth’s shed. Councilman Thornburg made a motion to grant the variance for the shed. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; Councilman Neely abstained.
Mr. Ort presented Ordinance #686 to the council which amends the fireworks ordinance in Jetmore and establishes a process whereby the council will set the allowed days and hours for the discharge of fireworks each year at the June council meeting, allowing the council to ensure that at least one weekend is always among the allowed days. Councilman Buffo made a motion to approve Ordinance #686. Councilman Neeley seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mr. Ort presented the council with the Blue Cross Blue Shield policy renewal and also listed for them some possible options for the future. Councilman Buffo made a motion to approve the renewal of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Policy. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 yes votes and 1 nay vote from Councilman Leet.
Mr. Ort presented the council with several different options regarding holiday pay due to the auditors having noted the absence of a policy as a deficiency in the annual audit. Councilman Thornburg made a motion for double pay for hours worked by hourly employees on any city recognized holiday. Councilman Leet seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Council discussed City Administrator’s contract renewal. Mr. Ort negotiated contract with the mayor and presented it to council for approval. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the contract renewal. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
*Mr. Ort presented his travel and training schedule and the staff anniversaries and birthdays for August.
*Mr. Ort informed the council that the dates have been set for Midwest Energy to move the transmission structures required to be moved for the K-156 expansion project. That project will take place from Oct. 14-25. The rental agreement for the mobile generator from Foley has been signed.
*Mr. Ort let the council know that work and testing are 100% complete on the power plant cooling tower project. Mr. Ort further informed council that with that done he will instruct staff to begin again with the monthly maintenance runs.
* Mr. Ort notified the council that the KDHE-Air inspection recently took place via phone and a personal visit by Ethel Evans with the SW Kansas office. The phone visit occurred on 7/22 and the in person visit took place on 7/24. In an email dated 8/2 Ms. Evans indicated that the city has found to be in compliance with KDHE Clean Aire requirements. This inspections should be repeated in three years’ time.
Councilman Buffo questioned if we are still planning to improve the dips on Bramley and Highway street near the high school. Mr. Ort said that he would address it with staff at the next staff meeting.
Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Buffo seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 9:31 p.m.