Meeting Minutes for January 3rd
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on January 3, 2019. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered by councilmen Jeff Channell, Mike Hendrickson, Jesse Pitts, Pete Shewry and Larry Steinbring. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, City Attorney Clayton Kerbs and city Clerk Deb McKivergan.
Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: LeaAnn Seiler, Hg. Co. Economic Development Director and Gerald Kimmerer, CEO of Dodge City Co-op/Pride Ag, met with the council to inform them of significant grain storage construction that will be taking place in Jetmore and Hanston. They are requesting a tax abatement from the county and the first step is a cost benefit analysis. City Administrator Michael Ort and Ms. Seiler have gathered the information from the city and Mr. Kimmerer presented information for Dodge City Co-op. Ms. Seiler and Mr. Kimmerer along with Commissioners Mickey McNair and Alan Ochs explained the process and explained that this is in the beginning stages, but needs to move rather quickly. The council was generally in favor of an abatement, but will have a joint meeting with the school administration and Hanston city government at a later date when their numbers are completed. Ms Seiler also told the council of an evening of strategic planning with the Kansas Dept. of Agriculture that will be held on January 14th and all councilmen were encouraged to attend. She also told that she has had several inquiries about e-Community funds.
CITY CLERK REPORT: City Clerk Deb McKivergan presented Resolution 2019-01, a GAAP Waiver Resolution. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the resolution. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous. She also reported that the Firemen’s Ball was again requesting a donation of golf memberships and a lake permit. The Council was reminded that Hg. Fest was again planned for Memorial Day 2019 and they are looking for volunteers to help plan the event.
BUSINESS ITEMS: City Administrator Michael Ort presented a draft lease from Vincent Oil for the NW/4 of Section 16 (directly north of the previous lease) for three (3) years; $4800 ($30/acre). Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to approve the lease. Councilman Pitts seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mr. Ort reported that he has received a quote from Liberty Mutual in the amount of $12,009 annually for equipment failure insurance at the power plant. The deductible is a minimum $100,000 for all but the engine. To include the engine then a formula is used to determine the deductible of $50/HP, making the city’s deductible $167,560. After discussion, Councilman Shewry made a motion to purchase the insurance policy. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
ADMINISTRATORS REPORT: City Administrator Michael Ort presented his January travel schedule.
*The 4th quarter and end of year financials were presented to the council.
*Power Plant – At this point the lower crankshaft has been assessed by Farabee Mechanical and will be replaced with a 12 cylinder shaft they have in inventory. Kevin DeValkenaere will be here Friday to begin an alignment check on the block. He will complete that work over the weekend and give a report that Mr. Ort will forward to the council. Mr.Ort has been notified that KCAMP will be covering the cost of repairs.
*The proposal to KDHE discussed last month was rejected by Dan Clair. The engineers have been in conversation with Mr. Clair and believe that he will not accept a solution that involves only wells 12 and 13. The engineers have begun working on a solution that would include well 11 but that would add significant cost to the project. Mr. Ort has indicated to Mr. Bowman that the City will not accept a solution that includes more than wells 12 and 13. Mr. Ort has contacted or Senator and Representative asking for their assistance. Dan Clair stated that blending is more than lines drawn on a map and there needs to be other language added to the proposal. Mr. Ort will visit more with Earle’s Engineering and find out how they are willing to help with the cost of this omission.
*The water line on south Main Street has been completed and is online. Lee Construction is presently working on Atkin Street between 156 and Highway Street.
*The water tower is two-thirds built and the reservoir is 100% built but the tower work has been abandoned until the issue with KDHE is resolved.
*The easement sent by Dollar General includes several restrictions on city activities that will need to be addressed. Mr. Ort will work with Dollar General next week to change the language in the agreement and then bring it back to the council for review.
*No code letters were sent out in December.
*Mr. Ort has completed his EMT class and will be testing in Hays on the 5th and in Jetmore on the 12th.
The Mayor reminded the council that we will need to start thinking about storm siren placement when the water tower is moved. The council and staff will begin investigating our options.
Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel and pursuant to the non-elected personnel matter exception K.S.A. 75-4319 (b)(1). The open meeting will resume in 15 minutes. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to come out of executive session. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Steinbring made a motion to give a 2½ % wage increase to all full time and part time employees. Seasonal employees will be addressed when they are hired. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Pitts seconded the motion; vote unanimous.