Meeting Minutes for November 7th
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on November 7, 2019. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered by Councilmen Jeff Channell, Mike Hendrickson, Jesse Pitts, Orval Shewry and Larry Steinbring. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, Edgar Pondo for City Attorney Clayton Kerbs and Assistant City Clerk Kelsey Keese.
Councilman Pitts made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
A cereal malt beverage application from Dollar General #20286, for sale in original and unopened container and not for consumption on the premises, for the year 2019 was presented. Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to approve the application. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
A cereal malt beverage application from Dollar General #20286, for sale in original and unopened container and not for consumption on the premises, for the year 2020 was presented. Councilman Steinbring made a motion to approve the application. Councilman Hendrickson seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
A cereal malt beverage application from Circle K #1603, for sale in original and unopened container and not for consumption on the premises, for the year 2020 was presented. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the application. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Ordinance #663, an ordinance amending Chapter VII, Article 3 of the Jetmore City Code; increasing the daily lake vehicle permit fee to $5.00 per day and increasing the yearly vehicle permit fee to $30 per year was presented to the council. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve Ordinance #663. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
After a recent inspection by Ned Marks, it was found that Well #12 is in need of a pump and motor replacement. Councilman Channell made a motion to replace the parts. Councilman Hendrickson seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mayor Olson appointed Kelsey Keese to the Housing Authority Board. Councilman Pitts made a motion to approve the appointment. Councilman Shewry seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: City Administrator Michael Ort presented the council with his November travel schedule.
*Allen Nichols was in Jetmore on October 17 to conduct the every three year public water supply sanitary survey inspection and found no violation.
*Mr. Ort recently received a letter from KCAMP regarding the city’s 2020 contribution. Due to the claim at the power plant the 3-year loss ratio exceeds 65%. However, because of the rate stabilization program that the City signed with KCAMP when we joined the association, the 2020 contribution will see no more than a 5% increase.
*The 2019 milo was sold last week. Proceeds from the sale were $17,843, with total grain sales for the year being $56,954.
*Lee Construction completed the water line project the week of October 14th. A couple of items have been brought to the administrator’s attention and he has reached out to the inspector for follow up. The water tower was filled and sanitized on December 4th, and bacteria samples were taken to the lab. Until the SCADA/telemetry system is completed, the new tower will fill as much as it can subject to the telemetry system in the old tower; approximately the same 50,000 gallons of the old tower, according to the engineer. Don’s Electric will return in an estimated 3-4 weeks to finish work on the telemetry system.
*The generator problem mentioned in the last month has been addressed and the results have been promising. At this point Farabee is confident that the engine is whole and will run for any amount of time needed in the event of an outage. Due to the holidays and their work schedule, the long run will be the week after Thanksgiving.
*Mr. Ort shared a report of and thanked the Council for the opportunity to attend the ICMA Conference in Nashville, TN.
Councilman Channell made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1) with the open meeting to resume at 9:29PM with the Council, Mayor, Administrator and Attorney present. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Steinbring made a motion to come out of executive session. Councilman Hendrickson seconded the motion; vote unanimous. No action was taken. Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.