April 3, 2024
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on April 3rd, 2024. Mayor Bill Goebel called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll wall was answered by Councilmen Cole Buffo & Jeff Channell. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort , City Clerk Casey Dansel & Attorney Samantha Sweley. Councilman Charles Leet arrived at 7:03 p.m, Councilman John Neeley at 7:09 p.m. & Councilman Mike Thornburg at 7:13 p.m.
Councilman Buffo made a motion to approve the consent agenda containing the February 2024 minutes & Appropriation Ordinance #2024-03. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: Sailor Ann was unable to attend so there was no report.
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: Attorney Samantha Sweley from Kerbs Law Office presented the Golf Course land purchase deed to the council.
CITY CLERK REPORT: Clerk Dansel had nothing to report to the council.
Mayor Goebel proclaimed May 27th Poppy Day in Jetmore. Lou Ann Abbott, with the American Legion Auxiliary, was on hand to receive the proclamation.
Mr. Ort discussed the next street sealing project with the council, proposing the E/W streets on the East side of town. There are leftover ARPA money available to be used for the project along with budgeted funds in streets and parks and Special Highway. Councilman Channell made a motion to proceed with the project. Councilman Neeley seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mr. Ort discussed the park grass project. Grass will need to be reseeded where the construction was for the new bathrooms. Council discussed the options of seed or turf. With turf being more expensive, council would like to see the city crew spread seed and try that option.
Mr. Ort informed the council that Kim Shewry would like to retire from the Library Board. Council said they would each consider a person to serve. Also, they agreed an ad would be run in the newspaper recruiting volunteers by that means.
Mayor Goebel brought to council attention that he would like to start the council meetings at 8:00 p.m. in the summer months. Attorney Sweley advised to change the verbiage in the city code so that meeting time can be more flexible. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve Ordinance 685 which changes the meeting time to read “…at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the City Hall.” Councilman Neeley seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
*Mr. Ort presented his travel and training schdule for April.
*Mr. Ort presented the quarterly fund health report.
*Mr. Ort provided a brief update on the well 12 project. Mr. Ort spoke with the engineer and other consultants on the project last week at KRWA. It is currently thought that the drillers should be able to arrive in Jetmore later this month to being process of locating the replacement well.
*Main Street Project-Chad Lawson submitted the application and received verification that the application was received. Should take a couple of months to hear if we are selected or not.
*June Vacation Trip – Mr. Ort will be taking a vacation June 14-21st.
*K-156 Project- Several emails exchanged regarding the project and moving certain water lines and utility poles. Our engineers have submitted plans for the work and they have been accepted by the engineers consulting with KDOT. Next step is to produce a reimbursement agreement between the city and KDOT.
*Water Tower Cleaning/Inspection- Mr. Ort is in the process of receiving quotes. KDHE recommends every 2 years, but other data suggested longer intervals may be observed. With the newness of the tower, we opted for less frequent, at least at first. Plan is to have the work done in the fall so we are past the high usage time of year. Thus far quotes are coming in around $2-$3000 range.
*Mr. Ort informed the council that he was notified by Wildlife and Parks personnel that, due to the extremely low water level at the lake, they would be issuing a fish salvage order. This order eliminates all size and number limits, but still limits the method of catching fish to rod and reel.
Council discussed street by truck stop. We are already starting to see damage from semi traffic. Councilman Buffo inquired about a grant. Mr. Ort will look into that possibility.
Highway 156 project was discussed again. It was mentioned that we would be needed to run our generation for periods of time for Midwest Energy work. Council expressed again a desire for this to not happen. It was noted that this running, and all utility work the city is required to complete during this project, is eligible for reimbursement by KDOT as we are a city under 2500 population.
Speed limit sign on Park Hill was discussed. Mr. Ort will get with Brian and make sure the signs are placed immediately. Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m.