February 7, 2024
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on February 7, 2024. Mayor Bill Goebel called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll wall was answered by Councilmen Cole Buffo, Jeff Channell, Charles Leet & John Neely. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort , City Clerk Casey Dansel, Attorney Samantha Sweley, Alison Guthrie & Representatives for Cheyenne Hills Golf Course Curtis Goebel, Dustin Lee, Tyler Beougher & Chipper Harms. Councilman Mike Thornburg joined the meeting at 7:13 p.m.
Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the consent agenda containing the January 2024 minutes adding a correction of time of adjournment & Appropriation Ordinance #2024-01. Councilman Buffo seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
CITIZEN COMMENTS: Alison Guthrie gave an update on Kenyon Nature Park to the council. Discussed rails to trails possibilities in town. Kenyon Nature Park trail is being extended all the way to Park Street. Trail will not be concrete. Michael Goodwin came and opened up the path the Lions Club assisted with cleanup, removal of fencing & tires. Another Kenyon Park sign will be put up on Park Street entrance.
Golf course board gave update on Cart Shed project. They were able to visit with Dick Sorem on possibility of purchasing 1 acre of land from him to place the sheds on. Discussed having area surveyed. Dick mentioned wanting access to field with an alley of some sort. Golf course board mentioned that the estimate for the shed kits is only good for so long and dealer will try to honor the estimate as long as they can. Board will get with Dick Sorem and the county to get a legal description on the land.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: Sailor Ann Seiler was out of town so unavailable to give a report at the meeting.
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: Attorney Samantha Sweley from Kerbs Law Office was in attendance for Clayton. She introduced herself to the new council members and informed the council she will fill in for Clayton when needed.
CITY CLERK REPORT: Clerk Dansel presented council with 2024 Golf/Lake payroll deduction forms.
Council discussed rate increases for golf memberships and greens fees. Since the opening of the golf course these fees have never been increased. City Administrator Michael Ort and Golf Course Superintendent Jared Borger checked with other courses similar to ours to compare rates with. Golf course board was in agreement that rates needed to be raised.
Councilman Thornburg made a motion to change golf course rates as recommended by Ort and Borger:
Greens fees: $15 weekdays, $20 weekends
Family membership- $400, Single membership $300
Councilman Neeley seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mayor Goebel suggested that monitoring the course and making sure members are signing in and paying fees would be a good idea. He suggested seeing if our seasonal employee Dan Shuler would be interested in taking that on.
Mr. Ort presented a pasture rental agreement between the City and Jared Borger for the lake pasture. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the pasture rental agreement with Jared Borger for $20 an acre. Councilman Buffo seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mr. Ort informed the council that there had been a water leak at the former residence of Mike Keiley. Mr. Ort spoke with Mike’s daughter Colette and she had asked if there was anything the council could do to help her out since they were unaware of the leak and the water had been shut off. Council mentioned they would like to see something done with this property. Councilman Channell made a motion to forgive the water charges that occurred due to the leak. Councilman Leet seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mr. Ort informed the council that KRWA has requested designation of voting delegates for the 2024 annual meeting on March 28. Councilman Buffo made a motion to designate Administrator Ort as voting delegate and Larry Fagen as the alternate. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
*Mr. Ort presented his February travel and training schedule.
*Mr. Ort informed the council that the May 2024 council meeting is scheduled for May 1st. On May 3rd his son will be married in Raleigh, NC and plans are being made to travel to Raleigh on the 1st, returning on the 5th. Mr. Ort asked if the council generally has a preference for issuing permission for him to be absent for the meeting, or if they would prefer to move the meeting to a later date. Consensus was voiced for moving the meeting. Mr. Ort will place that on the March agenda as an official business item to be formally voted on by the council so that the community is properly informed.
*Mr. Ort informed the council that he had recently met with a contractor about the airport runway condition. The runway and apron both contain multiple cracks of varying depths and widths that are in need of sealing. The estimated cost was approximately $100,000. Because of this, Mr. Ort recommended the city apply for the KAIP grant through KDOT-Aviation this year. The KAIP grant funds 90% of eligible costs for airport improvement, maintenance, and modernization projects. Council voiced agreement.
*Mr. Ort informed the council that he had recently met with Ned Marks, geologist, regarding the Well 12 project. The site was inspected and Mr. Marks informed Mr. Ort that he believed the site would be a good one. The next step will be to begin the drilling of test wells, which will wait until the weather warms.
*Mr. Ort reported that the park bathroom is almost complete. USDA requested that we add a sidewalk from the door of the bathrooms to current sidewalk around the edge of the park property for accessibility. Council discussed getting security camera prior to the opening of the bathrooms and the possibility of timer locks for the doors.
*Mr. Ort informed the council that he sent the letter they instructed him to at last month’s meeting to Mr. Rasmussen regarding the intent of the council to modify the current agreement for hangar rent, in particular to modify the price of monthly rent. Council discussed the desire of other citizens with operating planes to use the hangar and would like to see a letter sent giving 60 day notice to Mr. Rasmussen of termination of hangar rent.
*Mr. Ort informed the council of damage to the city car done recently and the cost to repair, which was estimated just under $3,000. Council discussed the age and mileage of the car and the possibility of selling it and the previous administrator care still owned by the city for staff travel needs and getting a different car. Councilman Thornburg made a motion to give Mr. Ort authority to spend up to $10,000 on a replacement vehicle. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Councilman Neeley inquired about City of Jetmore logos on city vehicles. The vehicles used to have them and he mentioned that he thinks it would be nice if they did.
Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.