Article 1. General Provisions
Article 2. Governing Body
Article 3. Officers and Employees
Article 4. Personnel Policy and Employee Benefits
Article 5. Oaths and Bonds
Article 6. Open Records
Article 7. Investment of Public Funds
1-101. CODE DESIGNATED. The chapters, articles and sections herein shall constitute and be designated as “The Code of the City of Jetmore, Kansas,” and may be so cited. The Code may also be cited as the “Jetmore City Code.” (Code 2015)
1-102. DEFINITIONS. In the construction of this code and of all ordinances of the city, the following definitions and rules shall be observed, unless such construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the governing body or the context clearly requires otherwise:
(a) City – shall mean the City of Jetmore, Kansas.
(b) Code – shall mean “The Code of the City of Jetmore, Kansas.”
(c) Computation of Time. – The time within which an act is to be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day; and if the last day be a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, that day shall be excluded.
(d) County – means the County of Hodgeman in the State of Kansas.
(e) Delegation of Authority. – Whenever a provision appears requiring or authorizing the head of a department or officer of the city to do some act or perform some duty, it shall be construed to authorize such department head or officer to designate, delegate and authorize subordinates to do the required act or perform the required duty unless the terms of the provision designate otherwise.
(f) Gender. – Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter.
(g) Governing Body – shall be construed to mean the mayor and city council of the city, or those persons appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of mayor or the council as provided in this code.
(h) In the city – shall mean and include all territory over which the city now has, or shall hereafter acquire jurisdiction for the exercise of its police powers or other regulatory powers.
(i) Joint authority. – All words giving a joint authority to three or more persons or officers shall be construed as giving such authority to a majority of such persons or officers.
(j) Month – shall mean a calendar month.
(k) Number. – Words used in the singular include the plural and words used in the plural include the singular.
(l) Oath – includes an affirmation in all cases in which, by law, an affirmation may be substituted for an oath, and in such cases the word “swear” is equivalent to the word “affirm.”
(m) Officers, departments, etc. – Officers, departments, boards, commissions and employees referred to in this code shall mean officers, departments, boards, commissions and employees of the city, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(n) Owner – applied to a building or land, shall include not only the owner of the whole but any part owner, joint owner, tenant in common or joint tenant of the whole or a part of such building or land.
(o) Person – includes a firm, partnership, association of persons, corporation, organization or any other group acting as a unit, as well as an individual.
(p) Property – includes real, personal and mixed property.
(q) Real Property – includes lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all rights thereto and interest therein, equitable as well as legal.
(r) Shall, may. – “Shall” is mandatory and “may” is permissive.
(s) Sidewalk – means any portion of a street between the curb line and the adjacent property line intended for the use of pedestrians.
(t) Signature, subscription – includes a mark when the person cannot write, when his or her name is written near such mark and is witnessed by a person who writes his or her own name as a witness.
(u) State – shall be construed to mean the State of Kansas.
(v) Street – means and includes public streets, avenues, boulevards, highways, roads, alleys, lanes, viaducts, bridges and the approaches thereto and all other public thoroughfares in the city.
(w) Tenant or occupant – applied to a building or land, shall include any person holding a written or oral lease of, or who occupies the whole or a part of such building or land, whether alone or with others.
(x) Tenses. – Words used in the past or present tense include the future as well as the past and present.
(y) Writing or written – may include printing, engraving, lithography and any other mode of representing words and letters, except those cases where the written signature or the mark of any person is required by law.
(z) Year – means a calendar year, except where otherwise provided.
(Code 2015)
1-103. EXISTING ORDINANCES. The provisions appearing in this code, so far as they are in substance the same as those of ordinances existing at the time of the effective date of this code, shall be considered as continuations thereof and not as new enactments. (Code 2015)
1-104. EFFECT OF REPEAL. The repeal of an ordinance shall not revive an ordinance previously repealed, nor shall such repeal affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any penalty incurred or any proceeding commenced under or by virtue of the ordinance repealed, except as shall be expressly stated therein. (Code 2015)
1-105. CATCHLINES OF SECTIONS. The catchlines of the sections of this code printed in capital letters are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the contents of the section and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part of any section, nor unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed when any section, including its catchline, is amended or reenacted. (Code 2015)
1-106. PARENTHETICAL AND REFERENCE MATTER. The matter in parenthesis at the ends of sections is for information only and is not a part of the code. Citations indicate only the source and the text may or may not be changed by this code. This code is a new enactment under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-3014 and 12-3015. Reference matter in parenthesis is for information only and is not a part of this code. (Code 2015)
1-107. AMENDMENTS; REPEAL. Any portion of this code may be amended by specific reference to the section number as follows: “Section _____ of the code of the City of Jetmore is hereby amended to read as follows: (the new provisions shall then be set out in full). . .” A new section not heretofore existing in the code may be added as follows: “The code of the City of Jetmore is hereby amended by adding a section (or article or chapter) which reads as follows: . . . (the new provisions shall be set out in full). . .” All sections, or articles, or chapters to be repealed shall be repealed by specific reference as follows: “Section (or article or chapter) __________ of the code of the City of Jetmore is hereby repealed.” (Code 2015)
1-108. ORDINANCES. The governing body shall have the care, management and control of the city and its finances, and shall pass all ordinances needed for the welfare of the city. All ordinances shall be valid when a majority of all the members-elect of the city council shall vote in favor. Where the number of favorable votes is one less than required, the mayor shall have power to cast the deciding vote in favor of the ordinance. (K.S.A. 12-3002; Code 2015)
1-109. SAME; SUBJECT AND TITLE; AMENDMENT. No ordinance shall contain more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title; and no section or sections of an ordinance shall be amended unless the amending ordinance contains the entire section or sections as amended and the section or sections amended shall be repealed. (K.S.A. 12-3004; Code 2015)
1-110. SAME; PUBLICATION. (a) No ordinance, except those appropriating money, shall be in force until published in the official city newspaper by the city clerk. One publication of any such ordinance shall be sufficient unless additional publications are required by statute or ordinance. The publisher of the newspaper shall prefix such published ordinance by a line in brackets stating the month, day and year of such publication.
(b) In lieu of subsection (a), a city may opt to publish a summary of an ordinance so long as:
(1) The publication is identified as a “summary” and contains notice that the complete text of the ordinance may be obtained or viewed free of charge at the office of the city clerk;
(2) The city attorney certifies the summary of the ordinance prior to publication to ensure that the summary is legally accurate and sufficient; and
(3) The publication contains the city’s official website address where a reproduction of the original ordinance is available for a minimum of one week following the summary publication in the newspaper.
If an ordinance is subject to petition pursuant to state law, then the summary shall contain a statement that the ordinance is subject to petition. (K.S.A. 12-3007; Code 2015)
1-111. SAME; ORDINANCE BOOK. Following final passage and approval of each ordinance, the city clerk shall enter the same in the ordinance book of the city as provided by law. Each ordinance shall have appended thereto the manner in which the ordinance was passed, the date of passage, the page of the journal containing the record of the final vote on its passage, the name of the newspaper in which published and the date of publication. (K.S.A. 12-3008; Code 2015)
1-112. RESOLUTIONS, MOTIONS. Except where a state statute or city ordinance specifically requires otherwise, all resolutions and motions shall be passed if voted upon favorably by a majority of a quorum of the city council. (Code 2015)
1-113. CITY RECORDS. The city clerk or any other officer or employee having custody of city records and documents shall maintain such records and documents in accordance with K.S.A. 12-120 to 12-121 inclusive, which is incorporated by reference herein as if set out in full and as provided in the state open records act and the city policy regarding open public records. (K.S.A. 12-120:121; Code 2015)
1-114. ALTERING CODE. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to change or amend by additions or deletions, any part or portion of this code, or to insert or delete pages, or portions thereof, or to alter or tamper with such code in any manner whatsoever which will cause the law of the City of Jetmore to be misrepresented thereby. This restriction shall not apply to amendments or revisions of this code authorized by ordinance duly adopted by the governing body. (Code 2015)
1-115. SCOPE OF APPLICATION. Any person convicted of doing any of the acts or things prohibited, made unlawful, or the failing to do any of the things commanded to be done, as specified and set forth in this code, shall be deemed in violation of this code and punished in accordance with section 1-116. Each day any violation of this code continues shall constitute a separate offense. (Code 2015)
1-116. GENERAL PENALTY. Whenever any offense is declared by any provision of this code, absent a specific or unique punishment prescribed, the offender shall be punished in accordance with this section.
(a) A fine of not more than $1,000; or,
(b) Imprisonment in jail for not more than 179 days; or,
(c) Both such fine and imprisonment not to exceed (a) and (b) above.
(Code 2015)
1-117. SEVERABILITY. If for any reason any chapter, article, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this code or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is declared to be unconstitutional or invalid or unenforceable, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this code. (Code 2015)
1-201. GOVERNING BODY. The governing body shall consist of a mayor and five council members to be elected as set out in Chapter 6 of this code. (Code 2015)
1-202. SAME; POWERS GENERALLY. All powers exercised by cities of the third class or which shall hereafter be conferred upon them shall be exercised by the governing body, subject to such limitations as prescribed by law. All executive and administrative authority granted or limited by law shall be vested in the mayor and council as governing body of the city. (K.S.A. 12-103; Code 2015)
1-203. SAME; MEETINGS. (a) Regular meetings of the governing body shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the City Hall. In the event the regular meeting day shall fall on any legal holiday or any day observed as a holiday by the city offices, the governing body shall fix the succeeding Monday not observed as a holiday as a meeting day.
(b) Special meetings may be called by the mayor or acting mayor, on the written request of any three members of the council, specifying the object and purpose of such meeting, which request shall be read at a meeting and entered at length on the journal.
(c) Regular or special meetings of the governing body may be adjourned for the completion of its business at such subsequent time and place as the governing body shall determine in its motion to adjourn. (K.S.A. 15-106; Ord. 612, Sec. 1:3; Code 2015)
1-204. SAME; QUORUM. In all cases, it shall require a majority of the council-elect to constitute a quorum to do business. (K.S.A. 15-106; Code 2015)
1-205. POWERS OF THE MAYOR. The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the governing body. The mayor shall have the tie-breaking vote on all questions when the members present are equally divided. The mayor shall:
(a) Have the superintending control of all officers and affairs of the city;
(b) Take care that the ordinances of the city are complied with;
(c) Sign the commissions and appointments of all officers elected or appointed;
(d) Endorse the approval of the governing body on all official bonds;
(e) From time to time communicate to the city council such information and recommend such measures as he or she may deem advisable;
(f) Have the power to approve or veto any ordinance as the laws of the state shall prescribe;
(g) Sign all orders and drafts drawn upon the city treasury for money. (K.S.A. 15-1501:1503; Code 2015)
1-206. PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL. The city council shall elect one of its own body as president of the council. The president of the council shall preside at all meetings of the council in the absence of the mayor. In the absence of both the mayor and the president of the council, the council shall elect one of its members as “acting president of the council.” The president and acting president, when occupying the place of mayor, shall have the same privileges as other councilmembers but shall exercise no veto. (K.S.A. 15-106; Code 2015)
1-207. ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS. The governing body may designate whether the administration of a policy or the carrying out of any order shall be performed by a committee, an appointive officer, or the mayor. If no administrative authority is designated it shall be vested in the mayor. (Code 2015)
1-208. VACANCIES IN GOVERNING BODY; HOW FILLED. (a) In case of a vacancy in the council occurring by reason of resignation, death, or removal from office or from the city, the mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the remaining council members, shall appoint an elector to fill the vacancy until the expiration of the term for that office. In case any person elected as a council member neglects or refuses to qualify within 30 days after election, the council member shall be deemed to have refused to accept the office and a vacancy shall exist. The mayor may, with the consent of the remaining council members, appoint a suitable elector to fill the vacancy.
(b) In case of a vacancy in the office of mayor, the president of the council shall become mayor until the expiration of the term for that office and a vacancy shall occur in the office of the council member becoming mayor. (Charter Ord. 2, Sec. 2; Code 2015)
1-209. COMPENSATION. Members of the governing body shall receive as compensation $100.00 per month and $50.00 per special meeting. (Code 2015)
1-210. EXPENSES. Each member of the governing body shall receive for his or her services and as reimbursement for his or her expenses, compensation as follows:
(a) Mileage at the same rate as is established by law by the state of Kansas for state employees for each mile traveled by the shortest route upon the performance of duties assigned by the mayor and/or council.
(b) Reimbursement for actual food and lodging expenses upon the performance of duties assigned by the mayor and/or council provided such expenses shall be documented by proper receipts. (Code 2015)
1-211. INCORPORATING CODE OF PROCEDURE FOR KANSAS CITIES. There is hereby incorporated by reference for the purpose of establishing a code of procedure for the conduct of city council meetings of the City of Jetmore, Kansas, that certain code known as the “Code of Procedure for Kansas Cities,” Edition of 2006, prepared and published in book form by the League of Kansas Municipalities, Topeka, Kansas, save and except such articles, sections, parts or portions as are hereafter omitted, deleted, modified or changed. One copy of said Code of Procedure for Kansas Cities shall be marked or stamped “Official Copy as Incorporated by the Code of the City of Jetmore, Kansas,” with all sections or portions thereof intended to be omitted or changed clearly marked to show any such omission or change and to which shall be attached a copy of this section, and filed with the city clerk to be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours. (Code 2015)
1-212. CODE OF ETHICS. (a) Declaration of Policy – The proper operation of our government requires that public officials and employees be independent, impartial and responsible to the people; that governmental decisions and policy be made in the proper channels and that the public have confidence in the integrity of its government In recognition of those goals, there is hereby established a Code of Ethics for all officials and employees, whether elected or appointed, paid or unpaid. The purpose of this code is to establish ethical standards by setting forth those acts or actions that are incompatible with the best interests of the city.
(b) Responsibilities of Public Office – Public officials and employees are agents of public purpose and hold office for the benefit of the public. They are bound to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State and to carry out impartially the laws of the nation, state, and city and thus to foster respect for all government. They are bound to observe in their official acts the highest standards of morality and to discharge faithfully the duties of their office regardless of personal considerations, recognizing that the long term public interest must be their primary concern. Their conduct in both their official and private affairs should be above reproach.
(c) Dedicated Service – All officials and employees of the city should be responsive to the political objectives expressed by the electorate and the programs developed to attain those objectives. Appointive officials and employees should adhere to the rule of work and performance established as the standard for their positions by the appropriate authority.
Officials and employees should not exceed their authority or breach the law or ask others to do so, and they should work in full cooperation with other public officials and employees unless prohibited from so doing by law or by officially recognized confidentiality of their work.
(d) Fair and Equal Treatment – (1) Interest in Appointments. Canvassing of members of the city council, directly or indirectly, in order to obtain preferential consideration in connection with any appointment to the municipal service shall disqualify the candidate for appointment except with reference to positions filled by appointment by the city council.
(2) Use of Public Property – Personal, private, or non-city use of city property and facilities is allowed but not to be abused.
(3) Obligations to Citizens – No official or employee shall grant any special consideration, treatment, or advantage to any citizen beyond that which is available to every other citizen.
(e) Conflict of Interest – No elected or appointive city official or employee, whether paid or unpaid, shall engage in any business or transaction or shall have a financial or other personal interest, direct or indirect, which is incompatible with the proper discharge of his or her duties in the public interest or would tend to impair his or her independence of judgment or action in the performance of his or her official duties. Personal as distinguished from financial interest includes an interest arising from blood or marriage relationships or close business or political association.
Specific conflicts of interest are enumerated below for the guidance of officials and employees:
(1) Incompatible Employment – No elected or appointive city official or employee shall engage in or accept private employment or render services for private interests when such employment or service is incompatible with the proper discharge of his or her official duties or would tend to impair his or her independence of judgment or action in the performance of his or her official duties.
(2) Disclosure of Confidential Information – No elected or appointive city official or employee, shall, without proper legal authorization, disclose confidential information concerning the property, government or affairs of the city. Nor shall he or she use such information to advance the financial or other private interest of himself, herself or others.
(3) Gifts and Favors. – No elected or appointive city official or employee shall accept any valuable gift, whether in the form of service, loan, thing or promise, from any person, firm, or corporation which to his or her knowledge is interested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the city; nor shall any such official or employee (a) accept any gift, favor or thing of value that may tend to influence him or her in the discharge of his or her duties or (b) grant in the discharge of his or her duties any improper favor, service, or thing of value. The prohibition against gifts or favors shall not apply to: (a) an occasional non-pecuniary gift, of only nominal value or (b) an award publicly presented in recognition of public service or (c) any gift which would have been offered or given to him or her if not an official or employee.
(4) Representing Private Interest Before City Agencies or Courts – No elected or appointive city official or employee whose salary is paid in whole or in part by the city shall appear in behalf of private interest before any agency of this city. He or she shall not represent private interests in any action or proceeding against the interest of the city in any litigation to which the city is a party. (Code 2015)
1-301. APPOINTMENT. At the first regular meeting in May of each year the mayor, by and with the consent of the council, shall appoint a city clerk and city treasurer, and may appoint a city attorney, municipal judge, chief of police and such other officers as may be deemed necessary for the best interest of the city. Such officers shall hold their respective offices until their successors have been appointed and qualified. All such appointments shall be entered on the journal of proceedings of the governing body. The duties and salaries of all appointed officers shall be fixed by ordinance. (K.S.A. 15-204; Code 2015)
1-302. EMPLOYEES. The mayor shall have authority to hire all other employees, or such authority may be delegated to the respective department heads. (Code 2015)
1-303. REMOVAL. (a) A majority of all members elect of the governing body may remove any appointed officer.
(b) The mayor may suspend at any time any appointed officer.
(c) Employees, other than appointed officers, may be removed by the mayor upon recommendation of the respective department heads. (K.S.A. 15-204; Code 2015)
1-304. VACANCY IN OFFICE. Whenever a vacancy occurs in any appointive office for whatever reason, the vacancy shall be filled by the governing body, until the next regular time for appointment. (K.S.A. 15-209; Code 2015)
1-305. CITY CLERK. The city clerk shall:
(a) Be custodian of all city records, books, files, papers, documents and other personal effects belonging to the city and not properly pertaining to any other office;
(b) Carry on all official correspondence of the city;
(c) Attend and keep a record of the proceedings of all regular and special meetings of the governing body;
(d) Enter every appointment of office and the date thereof in the journal;
(e) Enter or place each ordinance of the city in the ordinance books after its passage;
(f) Publish all ordinances, except those appropriating money, and such resolutions, notices and proclamations as may be required by law or ordinance;
(g) Pay claims submitted by public utilities;
Keep a full and accurate record of all money received and paid out in a ledger book provided by the governing body. (K.S.A 1980 Supp. 12-105b; Ord. 137 Sec. 1; Ord. 140 Sec. 6; Ord. 489 Sec. 1:2; Code 2015)
1-306. SAME; FISCAL RECORDS. The city clerk shall:
(a) Prepare and keep suitable fiscal records according to the Kansas Municipal Audit and Accounting Guide
(b) Assist in preparing the annual budget;
(c) Audit all claims against the city for goods or services rendered for the consideration of the governing body. His or her accounts shall properly show the amounts paid from any fund of the city and the cash balance existing in each fund;
(d) Keep an accurate account of all bonds issued by the city;
(e) Keep a record of all special assessments.
(f) Make out and cause to be published an annual financial statement. (Ord. 140 Sec. 6; Code 2015)
1-307. SAME; SEAL; OATHS. The city clerk shall:
(a) Have custody of the corporate seal of the city and shall affix the same to the official copy of all ordinances, contracts, and other documents required to be authenticated;
(b) Have power to administer oaths for all purposes pertaining to the business and affairs of the city;
(c) Keep suitable files of all such oaths required to be deposited in his or her office. (Code 2015)
1-308. SAME; WITHHOLDING AGENTS. The city clerk is designated as the withholding agent of the city for the purposes of the Federal Revenue (Income) Act, and shall perform the duties required of withholding agents by said act or any other act requiring withholding from the compensation of any city officer or employee. The clerk shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the governing body or the Kansas statutes. (Code 2015)
1-309. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK. (a) The office of assistant city clerk is hereby established. The mayor shall appoint, by and with the consent of the city council, the assistant city clerk. The person so appointed and confirmed shall hold the office for a term of one year and until a successor is appointed and confirmed.
(b) The assistant city clerk shall perform those duties assigned to that office by the city clerk.
(c) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the position of city clerk and the city is without a person appointed, confirmed or qualified to hold that office, the assistant city clerk shall become the acting city clerk and fulfill the duties of that office.
(d) Compensation of the assistant city clerk shall be set by ordinance passed by the governing body. (Code 2015)
1-310. CITY TREASURER. The city treasurer shall:
(a) Sign city checks for funds only upon orders or warrants properly signed by the mayor and city clerk;
(b) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the governing body or the Kansas statutes. (K.S.A. 10-803; K.S.A. 12-1608; Code 2015)
1-311. CITY ATTORNEY; OFFICE; DUTIES. There is hereby established the office of city attorney. No person shall be eligible for the office of city attorney who is not an attorney at law admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas. The city attorney shall be charged with the general direction and supervision of the legal affairs of the city. The city attorney shall:
(a) Attend meetings of the city Jetmore when so directed to attend by the mayor and council;
(b) Advise the city council and all officers of the city upon such legal questions affecting the city and its offices as may be submitted to him or her;
(c) When requested by the city council, give opinions in writing upon any such questions;
(d) Draft such ordinances, contracts, leases, easements, conveyances and other instruments in writing as may be submitted to him or her in the regular transaction of affairs of the city;
(e) Approve all ordinances of the city as to form and legality;
(f) Appear and prosecute all violations of city ordinances in municipal court when his or her services shall be required;
(g) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the governing body and the Kansas statutes. (Ord. 140 Sec. 4; Code 2015)
1-312. CITY ADMINISTRATOR; OFFICE; DUTIES. The City Administrator shall be charged with the general management, direction, and control of all administrative departments and services of the city. The City Administrator shall:
(a) Subject to K.S.A. 15-204, and amendments thereto, recommend to the Mayor and City Council actions concerning the hiring and discharge of all officers and department heads.
(b) Supervise, direct, and assign the duties of all department heads and employees.
(c) Assist in the preparation and submission of the annual budget to the governing body and to keep the governing body fully, completely, and timely advised as to the financial condition of the city and provide the basis for any annual audit.
(d) Keep the governing body advised of all grants or other benefit applications made and pursue new grants and new businesses for the city.
(e) Assist in the preparation of all forms authorized or required by the state or federal government.
(f) Exercise general supervision over all city purchases and expenditures in accordance with the budget and such policies as established by the governing body.
(g) Review performance and prepare evaluations and recommend to the governing body a schedule of salaries for all officers and department heads on a yearly basis.
(h) Work with the City Council and planning commission to adopt a comprehensive plan and short-range, as well as long-range, goals as the governing body shall designate and shall regularly report on the status of the City and its services to the governing body.
(i) Conduct weekly informational meetings with department heads and employees.
(j) Except for the purpose of inquiry, the governing body and its members shall deal with the City staff solely through the City Administrator and neither the governing body nor any council member shall give orders/direction directly to any employees of the city.
(k) Make recommendations to the governing body as to personnel actions for city employees and administrative officers.
(l) Have the oversight and management of all city-owned land, property, buildings, and equipment.
(m) Reside within Hodgeman County.
(n) Work outside the office in support of City Employees for street, electrical, and sewer repairs and operations.
(o) Become knowledgeable, trained, and assist in the operations of the City Electric Power Plant and the city-owned wind electric generation towers.
(p) Perform such other duties as governing body may direct. (Code 2015)
1-313. APPOINTMENT OR EMPLOYMENT IN MORE THAN ONE POSITION. The same person may be appointed to more than one appointive office, or employed in more than one department, except that the same person shall not be appointed to incompatible offices. Salaries or wages of such persons shall be prorated between the proper funds of the several offices or departments. (Code 2015)
1-314. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. (a) No city officer or employee shall be signatory upon, discuss in an official capacity, vote on any issue concerning or otherwise participate in his or her capacity as a public official or employee in the making of any contract with any person or business:
(1) In which the officer or employee owns a legal or equitable interest exceeding $5,000 or five percent, whichever is less, individually or collectively with his or her spouse; or
(2) From which the officer or employee receives, in the current or immediately preceding or succeeding calendar year, any salary, gratuity, other compensation or a contract for or promise or expectation of any such salary, gratuity or other compensation or remuneration having a dollar value of $1,000 or more; or
(3) In which he or she shall hold the position of officer or director, irrespective of the amount of compensation received from or ownership held in the business.
(b) The prohibitions contained in subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to the following:
(1) Contracts let after competitive bidding has been solicited by published notice; and
(2) Contracts for property or services for which the price or rate is fixed by law. (K.S.A. 75-4301; Code 2015)
1-401. PERSONNEL POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. There is hereby incorporated by reference for the purpose of establishing employee personnel rules and regulations the document entitled “City of Jetmore, Kansas Personnel Policies and Guidelines Handbook.” One copy of said document shall be marked or stamped “Official Copy as adopted by the Code of the City of Jetmore” and which there shall be attached a copy of this section. Said official copy shall be filed with the city clerk and shall be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours. All departments of the city shall be supplied with copies of such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary. (Code 2015)
1-501. OATH; AFFIRMATION. All officers and employees of the city, whether elected or appointed, either under the laws of the State of Kansas or ordinances of the city, shall before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation as follows:
Oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Kansas and faithfully discharge the duties of __________ (here enter name of office or position). So help me God.”
Affirmation: “I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Kansas and faithfully discharge the duties of ___________ (enter name of office or position). This I do under the pains and penalties of perjury. (K.S.A. 75-4308, 54-104, 54-106; Code 2015)
1-502. OATHS FILED. All officers and employees required to take and subscribe or sign an oath or affirmation shall be supplied the forms for the purpose at the expense of the city and upon taking and subscribing or signing any such oath or affirmation, the same shall be filed by the city clerk. (Code 2015)
1-503. BONDS REQUIRED. (a) The following city officers shall each, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, give a good and sufficient corporate surety bond to the city. The bond shall be in the following amount, to wit:
(1) City Clerk – $20,000.00;
(2) City Treasurer – $10,000.00;
(b) The governing body may provide for the coverage by blanket bond of such officers and employees and in such amounts as the governing body may, by resolution, designate. (Ord. 140, Sec. 2; Code 2015)
1-504. SAME; PREMIUMS. All premiums on surety bonds shall be paid by the city. (K.S.A. 78-111; Code 2015)
1-505. CONDITION OF BONDS. Each of the bonds required in section 1-503 of this article shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of duty and all acts required by the laws of Kansas and of the city, and for the application and payment over to the proper persons of all moneys or property coming into the hands of each such officer by virtue of his or her office. (Code 2015)
1-506. APPROVAL OF BONDS. All bonds given to the city shall be approved as to their form by the city attorney and as to surety and sufficiency by the governing body, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the State of Kansas. (Code 2015)
1-601. POLICY. (a) It is hereby declared to be the policy of the city that all public records which are made, maintained or kept by or are in the possession of the city, its officers and employees, shall be open for public inspection as provided by, and subject to the restrictions imposed by, the Kansas Open Records Act.
(b) Any person, upon request, shall have access to such open public records for the purpose of inspecting, abstracting or copying such records while they are in the possession, custody and control of the appointed or designated record custodian thereof, or his or her designated representative. (Code 2015)
1-602. RECORD CUSTODIANS. (a) All city officers and employees appointed or designated as record custodians under this article shall: protect public records from damage and disorganization; prevent excessive disruption of the essential functions of the city; provide assistance and information upon request; insure efficient and timely action and response to all applications for inspection of public records; and shall carry out the procedures adopted by this city for inspecting and copying open public records.
(b) The official custodian shall prominently display or distribute or otherwise make available to the public a brochure in the form prescribed by the Local Freedom of Information Officer that contains basic information about the rights of a requester, the responsibilities of a public agency, and the procedures for inspecting or obtaining a copy of public records under the Kansas Open Records Act. The official custodian shall display or distribute or otherwise make available to the public the brochure at one or more places in the administrative offices of the city where it is available to members of the public who request public information in person. (Code 2015)
1-603. LOCAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICERS. The Local Freedom of Information Officer shall:
(a) Prepare and provide educational materials and information concerning the Kansas Open Records Act;
(b) Be available to assist the city and members of the general public to
resolve disputes relating the Kansas Open Records Act;
(c) Respond to inquiries relating to the Kansas Open Records Act;
(d) Establish the requirements for the content, size, shape and other physical characteristics of a brochure required to be displayed or distributed or otherwise made available to the public under the Kansas Open Records Act. In establishing such requirements for the content of the brochure, the Local Freedom of Information Officer shall include plainly written basic information about the rights of a requester, the responsibilities of the city, and the procedures for inspecting and obtaining a copy of public records under the Act. (Code 2015)
1-604. PUBLIC REQUEST FOR ACCESS. All city offices keeping and maintaining open public records shall establish office hours during which any person may make a request for access to an open public record. Such hours shall be no fewer than the hours each business day the office is regularly open to the public. For any city office not open Monday through Friday, hours shall be established by the record custodian for each such day at which time any person may request access to an open public record. (Code 2015)
1-605. FACILITIES FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. All city offices keeping and maintaining open public records shall provide suitable facilities to be used by any person desiring to inspect and/or copy an open public record. The office of the city clerk, being the principal record keeper of the city, or the City Conference room shall be used as the principal locations for providing access to and providing copies of open records to the maximum extent practicable. Requesters of records shall be referred to the office of the city clerk except when the requested records are not in that office and are available in another city office. (Code 2015)
1-606. PROCEDURES FOR INSPECTION. Any person requesting access to an open public record for purposes of inspecting or copying such record, or obtaining a copy thereof, shall abide by the procedures adopted by the governing body for record inspection and copying, including those procedures established by record custodians as authorized by the governing body. Such procedures shall be posted in each city office keeping and maintaining open public records. (Code 2015)
1-607. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL CUSTODIANS. The following city officers are hereby appointed as official custodians for purposes of the Kansas Open Records Act and are hereby charged with responsibility for compliance with that Act with respect to the hereinafter listed public records:
(a) City Clerk – All public records kept and maintained in the city clerk’s office and all other public records not provided for elsewhere in this section.
(b) City Administrator – All public records not on file in the office of the city clerk and kept and maintained in the city administrator’s office.
(c) City Treasurer – All public records not on file in the office of the city clerk and kept and maintained in the city treasurer’s office.
(d) Chief of Police – All public records not on file in the office of the city clerk and kept and maintained in the city police department.
(e) Fire Chief – All public records not on file in the office of the city clerk and kept and maintained in the city fire department.
(f) City Attorney – All public records not on file in the office of the city clerk and kept and maintained in the city attorney’s office.
(g) Clerk of the Municipal Court – All public records not on file in the office of the city clerk and kept and maintained in the municipal court. (Code 2015)
1-608. APPOINTMENT OF LOCAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER. The city clerk is hereby appointed as the local freedom of information officer and charged with all of the duties as set forth in section 1-603. (Code 2015)
1-609. DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL RECORD CUSTODIANS. (a) Each of the official custodians appointed in section 1-607 is hereby authorized to designate any subordinate officers or employees to serve as record custodian. Such record custodians shall have such duties and powers as are set out in the Kansas Open Records Act.
(b) Whenever an official custodian shall appoint another person as a record custodian he or she shall notify the city clerk of such designation and the city clerk shall maintain a register of all such designations. (Code 2015)
1-610. REQUESTS TO BE DIRECTED TO CUSTODIANS. (a) All members of the public, in seeking access to, or copies of, a public record in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas Open Records Act, shall address their requests to the custodian charged with responsibility for the maintenance of the record sought to be inspected or copied.
(b) Whenever any city officer or employee appointed or designated as a custodian under this article is presented with a request for access to, or copy of, a public record which record the custodian does not have in his or her possession and for which he or she has not been given responsibility to keep and maintain, the custodian shall so advise the person requesting the record. Further, the person making the request shall be informed as to which custodian the request should be addressed to, if such is known by the custodian receiving the request. (Code 2015)
1-611. FEE ADMINISTRATION. The city clerk is hereby authorized to provide the clerk’s office, and the office of each record custodian, with sufficient cash to enable the making of change for record fee purposes. Each custodian shall transmit all record fee moneys collected to the city clerk not less than monthly. Each custodian shall maintain duplicates of all records and copy request forms, completed as to the amount of fee charged and collected, which amounts shall be periodically audited by the clerk-finance officer and treasurer of the city. (Code 2015)
1-612. INSPECTION FEE. (a) Where a request has been made for inspection of any open public record which is readily available to the record custodian, there shall be no inspection fee charged to the requester.
(b) In all cases not covered by subsection (a) of this section, a record inspection fee shall be charged at the hourly pay rate of each employee engaged in the record search. A minimum charge of $10.00 shall be charged for each such request. (Code 2015)
1-613. COPYING FEE. (a) A fee of $0.15 per page for black and white copies, and $0.25 for color copies, shall be charged for photocopying public records, such fee to cover the cost of labor, materials and equipment.
(b) For copying any public records which cannot be reproduced by the city’s photocopying equipment, the requester shall be charged the actual cost to the city, including staff time, in reproducing such records. (Code 2015)
1-614. PREPAYMENT OF FEES. (a) A record custodian may demand prepayment of the fees established by this article whenever he or she believes this to be in the best interest of the city. The prepayment amount shall be an estimate of the inspection and/or copying charges accrued in fulfilling the record request. Any overage or underage in the prepayment shall be settled prior to inspection of the requested record or delivery of the requested copies.
(b) Prepayment of inspection and/or copying fees shall be required whenever, in the best estimate of the record custodian, such fees are estimated to exceed $25.00.
(c) Where prepayment has been demanded by the record custodian, no record shall be made available to the requester until such prepayment has been made. (Code 2015)
1-615. PAYMENT. All fees charged under this article shall be paid to the custodian of the records inspected and/or copied unless the requester has established an account, for purposes of billing and payment, with the city. (Code 2015)
1-701. PURPOSE AND GOALS. It is the purpose of this statement to set forth the public policies of the city relating to the investment of public moneys, and establish procedural requirements as to investment management practice. The objective of the investment policy and program of the city shall be as follows:
(a) The safeguarding of all public moneys shall be of the highest priority. Public money shall not be invested or managed in any matter which would jeopardize the safety of the principal.
(b) Consistent with the requirement of safety, the objective of the investment program shall be to aggressively manage and invest all public moneys to maximize net earnings, consistent with the public responsibility to secure maximum, safe investment return possible from moneys assigned to its stewardship, to relieve demands on the property tax and to otherwise reduce the cost of public services. (Code 2015)
1-702. ACTIVE FUNDS; DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES; ELIGIBLE DEPOSITORIES. (a) The governing body shall designate the banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks which shall serve as depositories of its funds. The clerk, treasurer or other city officer or employee having the custody of city funds shall deposit such funds only at the designated banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks. Only banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks that have main or branch offices in Hodgeman County shall be designated as official depositories. No such bank, savings bank or savings and loan association shall be designated as a depository until the city is assured that it can obtain satisfactory security for its deposits.
(b) The clerk, treasurer or other city officer or employee depositing public funds shall deposit all such public funds coming into such person’s possession in their name and official title as such officer. If the governing body fails to designate an official depository or depositories, the officer thereof having custody of city funds shall deposit such funds with one or more banks, savings and loan associations or savings banks which have main or branch offices in Hodgeman County if satisfactory security can be obtained therefor and if not then elsewhere. In such event, the officer or employee shall serve notice in writing on the governing body showing the names and locations of such banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks where such funds are deposited, and upon so doing the officer or employee having custody of such funds shall not be liable for the loss of any portion thereof except for official misconduct or for the misappropriation of such funds by the officer or employee.
(c) If eligible banks, savings and loan associations or savings banks under subsections (a) or (b) cannot or will not provide an acceptable bid, which shall include services, for the depositing of public funds under this section, then banks, savings and loan associations or savings banks which have main or branch offices in any immediately adjoining county may receive deposits of the city’s active funds, if such banks, savings and loan associations or savings banks have been designated as official depositories under subsection (a) and the city can obtain satisfactory security therefor. (Code 2015)
1-703. DEFINITIONS. As used in this article the following words and phrases shall mean:
(a) Bank – means any bank incorporated under the laws of the state of Kansas or any other state, or organized under the laws of the United States and which has a main or branch office in Kansas;
(b) Savings and loan association – means any savings and loan association incorporated under the laws of the state of Kansas or any other state, or organized under the laws of the United States and which has a main or branch office in Kansas;
(c) Savings bank – means any savings bank organized under the laws of the United States and which has a main or branch office in Kansas;
(d) Main office – means the place of business specified in the articles of association, certificate of authority or similar document, where the business of the institution is carried on and which is not a branch;
(e) Branch – means any office within this state, other than the main office, that is approved as a branch by a federal or state supervisory agency, at which deposits are received, checks paid or money lent. Branch does not include an automated teller machine, remote service unit or similar device or a loan production office;
(f) Investment rate – means a rate which is the equivalent yield for United States government securities having a maturity date as published in the Wall Street Journal, nearest the maturity date for equivalent maturities. The 0-90 day rate shall be computed on the average effective federal funds rate as published by the Federal Reserve System for the previous week. (Code 2015)
1-704. INVESTMENT OF IDLE FUNDS. Temporarily idle moneys of the city not currently needed, may in accordance with the procedure hereinafter described be invested:
(a) In temporary notes or no-fund warrants issued by the city;
(b) In savings deposits, demand deposits, time deposit, open accounts, certificates of deposit or time certificates of deposit with maturities of not more than two years:
(1) In banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks, which have main or branch offices located in the city; or
(2) If no main or branch office of a bank, savings and loan association or savings bank is located in the city, then in banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks, which have main or branch offices in the county or counties in which all or part of the city is located;
(c) In repurchase agreements with:
(1) Banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks, which have main or branch offices located in the city, for direct obligations of, or obligations that are insured as to principal and interest by, the United States government or any agency thereof; or
(2)(A) If no main or branch office of a bank, savings and loan association or savings bank, is located in the city; or
(B) If no such bank, savings and loan association or savings bank having a main or branch office located in the city is willing to enter into such an agreement with the city at an interest rate equal to or greater than the investment rate, as defined in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 12-1675a, and amendments thereto, then such repurchase agreements may be entered into with banks, savings and loan associations or savings banks which have main or branch offices in the county or counties in which all or part of the city is located; or
(3) If no bank, savings and loan association or savings bank, having a main or branch office in such county or counties is willing to enter into such an agreement with the city at an interest rate equal to or greater than the investment rate, as defined in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 12-1675a, and amendments thereto, then such repurchase agreements may be entered into with banks, savings and loan associations or savings banks located within the State of Kansas;
(d) In United States treasury bills or notes with maturities as the governing body shall determine, but not exceeding two years. Such investment transactions shall only be conducted with banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks; the federal reserve bank of Kansas City, Missouri; or with primary government securities dealers which report to the market report division of the federal reserve bank of New York, or any broker-dealer engaged in the business of selling government securities which is registered in compliance with the requirements of section 15 or 15C of the securities exchange act of 1934 and registered pursuant to K.S.A. 2005 Supp. 17-12a401, and amendments thereto;
(e) In the municipal investment pool fund established in K.S.A. 12-1677a, and amendments thereto;
(f) In the investments authorized and in accordance with the conditions prescribed in K.S.A. 12-1677b, and amendments thereto; or
(g) In multiple municipal client investment pools managed by the trust departments of banks which have main or branch offices located in county or counties where city is located or with trust companies incorporated under the laws of this state which have contracted to provide trust services under the provisions of K.S.A. 9-2107, and amendments thereto, with banks which have main or branch offices located in the county or counties in which Jetmore is located. Public moneys invested under this paragraph shall be secured in the same manner as provided for under K.S.A. 9-1402, and amendments thereto. Pooled investments of public moneys made by trust departments under this paragraph shall be subject to the same terms, conditions and limitations as are applicable to the municipal investment pool established by K.S.A. 12-1677a, and amendments thereto.
(h) The investments authorized in subsections (d), (e), (f) or (g) of this section shall be utilized only if the banks, savings and loan associations and savings banks eligible for investments authorized in subsection (b), cannot or will not make the investments authorized in subsection (b) available to the city at interest rates equal to or greater than the investment rate, as defined in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 12-1675a, and amendments thereto.
(i) In selecting a depository pursuant to subsection (b), if a bank, savings and loan association or savings bank eligible for an investment deposit thereunder has an office located in the city and such financial institution will make such deposits available to the city at interest rates equal to or greater than the investment rate, as defined in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 12-1675a, and amendments thereto, and such financial institution otherwise qualifies for such deposit, the governing body shall select one or more of such eligible financial institutions for deposit of funds pursuant to this section. If no such financial institution qualifies for such deposits, the city shall select for such deposits one or more eligible banks, savings and loan associations or savings banks which have offices in the county or counties in which all or a part of the city is located which will make such deposits available to the city at interest rates equal to or greater than the investment rate, as defined in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 12-1675a, and amendments thereto, and which otherwise qualify for such deposits. (Code 2015)
1-705. PROCEDURES AND RESTRICTIONS. The city clerk shall periodically report to the governing body as to the amount of money available for investment and the period of time such amounts will be available for investment, and shall submit such recommendations as deemed necessary for the efficient and safe management of city finances. The recommendations of the city clerk shall provide for an investment program which shall so limit the amounts invested and shall schedule the maturities of investments so that the city will, at all times, have sufficient moneys available on demand deposit to assure prompt payment of all city obligations. (Code 2015)
1-706. CUSTODY AND SAFEKEEPING. Securities purchased pursuant to this article shall be under the care of the city clerk and shall be held in the custody of a state or national bank or trust company, or shall be kept by such officers in a safety deposit box of the city in a bank or trust company. Securities in the original or receipt form held in the custody of a bank or trust company shall be held in the name of the city, and their redemption, transfer, or withdrawal shall be permitted only upon the written instruction of the city officers. Securities not held in the custody of a bank or trust company shall be personally deposited by such officer in a safety deposit box in the name of the city in a bank or trust company, access to which shall be permitted only in the personal presence and under the signature of two of the abovementioned officers. (Code 2015)
1-707. SALE OR TRANSFER. If, in order to maintain sufficient moneys on demand deposit in any fund as provided in 1-705, it becomes necessary to transfer or sell any securities of such funds, the officers specified in 1-706 may transfer said securities to any other fund or funds in which there are temporarily idle moneys, or shall sell such securities, and for such purpose they shall have authority to make any necessary written direction, endorsement or assignment for and on behalf of the city. (Code 2015)
1-708. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. The city clerk shall deposit the interest earned on invested idle funds to the general fund, unless otherwise required or authorized by law. (Code 2015)