Meeting Minutes for March 5th, 18th, & 26th, 2020
Meeting Minutes for March 5th
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on March 5, 2020. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered by Councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters, and Larry Steinbring. Absent was Councilman Michael Hendrickson. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, Attorney Edgar Pando, and City Clerk Deb McKivergan. Kaden Stapleton and Aaliyah Kasiska were visiting for their HCHS Governemnt class. Mayor Olson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Steinbring made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Councilwoman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
CITY ATTORNEY: Edgar Pando, filling in for City Attorney Clayton Kerbs, had no report.
CITY CLERK REPORT: City Clerk Deb McKivergan reported that she would be attending clerk conference on March 12-14. She reminded the council of the upcoming Hodgeman Fest on May 23rd. The city will again donate toward the meal and close streets as needed. The new copier has been installed and the old copier will be offered to the Library. A cereal malt beverage application was received from Corner Market 104 LLC. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the license for Corner Market, for sale in original and unopened container and not for consumption on the premises. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Olson reported that he is still looking for a library board member.
*The summer mowing contract was discussed. At a recent staff meeting, Mr. Ort brought up the summer mowing contract and the staff felt they could bring summer mowing in house if summer help was hired. We will not bid a summer mowing contract this year.
*The shooting range insurance policy is due to renew and along with the renewal the underwriter would like updated answers to the following:
a. All persons using the firing ranges must sign a waiver
b. No one under the age of 18 is allowed on the ranges without a parent or guardian.
c. Children must be at least 10 years old to shoot firearms
d. Children under 14 must be assisted at all times by a parent of Range Safety Officer.
e. All persons using the firing ranges must be required to successfully complete a range safety briefing.
f. Ear and eye protection must be required for all participants and guests while at or on a firing range.
The council agreed that items b (amended to age 16),and e will be included in the range rules. Councilman Fetters made a motion to amend the range rules as directed by the council. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous
CITY ADMINISTRATORS REPORT: City Administrator Michael Ort presented the council with his March travel schedule and also presented the fund health report.
*Larry Knapp with Par Electric recently visited Jetmore to get a sense of the scope of the project we want to do this year for electric pole replacement. He believes they will be able to be in Jetmore in the next few weeks after the city has purchased items needed to complete the project.
*Brian Beil and Mr. Ort met with Dana Williamson of Williamson Architecture regarding the park bathroom and south power plant projects. There are several options for funding including grants through the Community Foundation and other sources, a funding campaign at Hodgeman Fest as well as corporate funding and online donations. A rough estimate of the project cost is $25,000 and the goal is to offset the cost of the project with $10,000 in donated funding. Up to $25,000 was set apart in the 2020 budget for the south power plant project.
*There was no new news regarding the power plant engine project. Exline has determined that line boring is not necessary, but several caps require machining. The crankshaft does require straightening.
*No proposals for the sanitary sewer program were received. Mr. Ort visited with Melinda from Mayer regarding the idea of skipping a year and perhaps spending the money to camera survey more of our system. Other cities have used a five year program with good results. We will use that model, skipping this year but doing camera survey for approximately $10,000. Mayer will work with the City to build a camera survey project. Mr. Ort has a spread sheet and a map documenting what parts of our system have been surveyed since 2014, their condition and any repairs that were done if needed. He will work with staff to determine a plan.
*Mr. Ort gave a legislative update including SB380 and SB294.
*No code letters were sent out in February.
The council asked Mr. Ort to call Tri County Disposal about picking up trash in a couple of dumpsters that are full.
Kenyon Park has trees that need trimmed; Mr. Ort will check them out and work on a spring clean-up plan.
The roads in Cheyenne Development were discussed. It was determined that the wind row needs to be spread on the roads there, and other sanded roads in the city. Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Meeting Minutes for March 18th
The Jetmore City Council met in special session on March 18, 2020. Mayor Olson called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll call was answered by councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters, Mike Hendrickson and Larry Steinbring. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort and City Clerk Deb McKivergan.
The meeting was called to discuss the purchase of a utility pickup and review the cereal malt beverage application of Desdia Clarke.
Three bids were received for the pickups: Nusser Motors – $43,541.00; James Wood Autopark – $45,230.00; and Commercial Truck Trader – $49,995.00. The James Wood pickup having a few more features than the Nusser pickup (the addition of the features factored in then making the pickups more identical in price) and being immediately available (the Nusser pickup was at least a month out from delivery), Councilman Fetters made a motion to purchase the vehicle from James Wood Autopark. Councilwoman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
A cereal malt beverage license application was received for Desdia Clarke dba Kelldogs Bar and Grill. Councilman Steinbring made a motion to approve the license for consumption on the premises. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Steinbring made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Hendrickson seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Meeting Minutes for March 26th
The Jetmore City Council met in special session on March 26, 2020. Mayor Olson called the meeting order. Roll call was answered by Councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters, Michael Hendrickson and Larry Steinbring. Also attending was City Administrator Michael Ort.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting was called to discuss the shooting range insurance requirements. The Council agreed to implement the list of requirements from the insurance underwriters and asked the administrator to verify that they understood that the range is unmanned and to verify that they were giving the city 30 days after coverage was bound to implement the changes. Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous.