April 5, 2023
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on April 5, 2023. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll wall was answered by Councilmen Connie Chavez, Charles Leet and Mike Thornburg. Absent were Councilmen Jeff Channell and Kyler Fetters. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, City Attorney Clayton Kerbs, Asst. City Clerk Casey Dansel and City Clerk Deb McKivergan.
Councilman Chavez made a motion to approve the consent agenda containing the March 1, 2023 minutes and Appropriation Ordinance #2023-03. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mayor Olson proclaimed May 27th Poppy Day in Jetmore. Lou Ann Abbott, with the American Legion Auxiliary, was on hand to receive the proclamation.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: Sailor-Anne Seiler presented the following report: She has received another MIH Application and is working through that process. LIED Across Kansas recently visited Jetmore and presented a great program. On April 11th, Kansas Trails will be in Jetmore and working at several locations. She has placed travel brochures at the travel center in Goodland and Jetmore is the coffee host this month. She is working on the EDX for the truck stop. It has been suggested that a plug in for food trucks be installed at Sunshine Park. Daycare in Hodgeman County was discussed and Sailor-Anne noted that there were several grant programs available.
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Clayton Kerbs reported that things are going well with court. Their firm has hired a new attorney and he will bring her over to meet the council soon.
CITY CLERK REPORT: Deb shared a letter from the American Legion asking for a donation to their upcoming steak supper. The council will donate three yearly lake vehicle passes.
Councilman Chavez made a motion to enter into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception, K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1) with the council, administrator, and assistant clerk in attendance. The open meeting will resume in the city council chambers at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Leet made a motion to come out of executive session. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. No action was taken.
BUSINESS ITEMS: Two CMB applications were placed before the council. Councilman Thornburg made a motion to approve the application of Joe’s Kwik Marts at 222 Main for sale in original and unopened container and not for consumption on the premises. Councilman Leet seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Thornburg made a motion to approve the application for Quick Pick 10 at 209 Main for sale in original and unopened container and not for consumption on the premises. Councilman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
There are two openings on the library board. Mayor Olson appointed Heather Gibson to the Jetmore Library Board. Councilman Chavez made a motion to approve the appointment. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Another appointment will be made at a later date.
Mayor Olson appointed Casey Dansel to the position of interim City Clerk effective April 15, 2023 upon the retirement of the current city clerk. Councilman Chavez made a motion to approve the appointment and add Casey to the signature card of the city accounts at the Farmers State Bank and remove Deb McKivergan. Councilman Leet seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Councilman Chavez made a motion to go enter into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception. K.S.A. 75-4391(b)(1) with the mayor, council, administrator and attorney present. The open meeting will resume in the council chamber at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Chavez made a motion to come out of executive session. Councilman Leet seconded the motion; vote unanimous. No action was taken.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: City Administrator Michael Ort presented his April travel and training schedule.
*The 1st Quarter fund health report was presented to the council.
*The loan agreement for the Well #12 repairs will be delayed slightly due to departure of the person at KDHE who does those. Mr. Ort will let the council know when the paperwork is completed.
*The scheduled run at the power plant occurred on March 22nd. During that run a faulty sensor caused the engine to shut down. Staff restarted the engine quickly and a new sensor was ordered at that time. The cooling tower arrived on March 22. It will be installed after Farabee completes another project close by. It is estimated to be sometime in June.
*A load of 43 utility poles were delivered on March 22. Another truckload will be needed later in the year, however Mr. Ort will wait until the current load is at least partially used.
*Two people from Kansas Trails will be in Jetmore on April 11 to discuss the possibility of trails in our area and Mr. Ort will attend the meeting to talk about the idea of a trail around the city lake to allow easier access all the way around the lake for fishing from the shore.
The pasture lease at the lake was discussed.
The council recommended that the credit card limit be increased from the $3000 limit so employees don’t have to use their personal credit cards and then be reimbursed.
The possibility of a car charging station at some point in the future was discussed.
Councilman Chavez made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.