Meeting Minutes for February 6, 2020
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on February 6, 2020. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered by Councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters, Mike Hendrickson and Larry Steinbring. Also present were City Administrator Michael Ort, City Clerk Deb McKivergan, City Attorney Clayton Kerbs, and visitor Brit Schroeder.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Councilwoman Chavez made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Brit Schroeder met with the council requesting 3-phase power be installed at their farm. The project will move forward with the City Administrator getting a cost estimate for supplies and labor, and the Schroeders providing an estimate of increased electric usage.
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Clayton Kerbs stated that he had nothing to report and would expand on a license agreement he was asked to draw up during the business portion of the meeting.
CITY CLERK REPORT: City Clerk Deb McKivergan visited with the council about a memorial donation for the Ellie Pitts family. The city will donate $50 to the United Methodist Church in her memory and in honor of Norman and Jesse Pitts’ serving on the council.
NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Olson reported that he has approached someone about serving on the library board but is waiting on a reply from them, so there is no appointment at this time.
*The City Administrator presented bids for a new copier/printer for the office. Councilman Channell made a motion to to purchase the Savin IM C3000 from Century Business & Technology for $4,518.71 and a monthly service contract fee of $45.72. Councilwoman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
*Colby Kline has requested to establish an access drive to his property on lot #6 in the Cheyenne Hills addition that would cross the southwest corner of lot #8, which is owned by the City. The City Attorney has drawn up a license agreement that would allow this. Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to approve the license agreement with Colby Kline. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
*Mr. Ort told the council of the possibility of a KDOT cost sharing program that would be used to place concrete on Best Street to the alley and also the alley between Main and Bowlus behind the library. There could be a need for GO Bonds to cover the city’s share of the project. The council directed the City Administrator to look into the cost of other options for repairing the street and alley.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: City Administrator Michael Ort presented the council with his February travel schedule.
*Don’s Electric has completed work on the telemetry system and we are now completely on the new tower and the old tower is isolated from the system.
*Farabee Mechanical has returned to Jetmore to separate the block, remove the lower crankshaft and clean the oil pan on the city’s engine/generator. Mr. Ort will update the council when it is known for certain when Exline will arrive to begin the process of line boring and will also update the residents via the Facebook page.
*This year’s annual KDHE emissions inventory will not include a fee as was expected. The fees could still be placed into effect next year depending upon the decision of the legislature through their current budget session.
*The outside staff has been busy trimming trees and replacing light bulbs in the library and the power plant basement.
*The skid steer recently required repair of the joy stick. Repairs were $1,300.
*The well at the airport industrial park required repairs last month. The pump was burned up and the pressure tank was rotted. Halling Water Well Service repaired the well.
* It is time to renew the sanitary sewer program contract. RFP’s were sent to four vendors – Mayer Specialty Services, Utility Maintenance Contractors, Ace Pipe and Johnson Service Company. Proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m. on March 2nd. The contract will be awarded at the March 5th council meeting.
*The city administrator was asked why there is a windrow of rock on the dirt roads we have hauled rock in for. The explanation is so there is material to pull across the road when it is time to blade again. There was also a discussion about the possibility of working the dirt roads into the chat and seal projects over time so all roads in town would be paved.
*Another project identified for this year was to repair the floor on the south end of the power plant. The staff suggested that the first need might be electrical work for the installation of garage doors on the east side of the building. Mr. Ort reached out to Paul Lewis at SMH Consultants for advice. Mr. Lewis said it was an architectural question and suggested someone who might assist him. Mr. Ort asked permission to reach out to these people for help.
*No code enforcement letters were sent in January.
Lee Zell with the National League of Cities Service Line Warranty Program met with the council to explain an insurance policy that is available to the residents of the City of Jetmore for their water service line, their sewer service line, and in home plumbing. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-02; a resolution approving and supporting the application for the City of Jetmore, Kansas to develop a marketing services agreement with Utility Service Partners Private Label, Inc. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous.