October 1, 2020
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on October 1, 2020. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order and led the group in the pledge of allegiance. Roll call was answered by Councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters and Larry Steinbring. Not present was Councilman Mike Hendrickson. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, City Attorney Clayton Kerbs and City Clerk Deb McKivergan. Ashton Schuler, Calista Stein and Tinley Weber were visiting from Hg. Co High School.
Councilman Fetters made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
Mathew Medill, with Dirks, Anthony & Duncan, presented the audit report.
CITY CLERK REPORT: City Clerk Deb McKivergan reminded the council that it is time to order dog tags for 2021 and asked about getting non-dated tags since they have to be ordered in large quantities. We will order non dated tags.
BUSINESS ITEMS: The City Administrator presented Ordinance #667, an ordinance vacating an alley in the City of Jetmore. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve Ordinance #667. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion vote unanimous.
The City Administrator presented Ordinance #668, an ordinance vacating a street in the City of Jetmore. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve Ordinance #668. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
In January of 2019 the KMEA Executive Committee approved a partnership between KMEA and The Energy Authority to extract more value out of Auction Revenue Rights in an ARR Optimization program. Jetmore would receive approximately $8400 from this program. These monies could come to the city in a check or could be assigned to a lineman program that is administered by KMEA to provide seed money for equipment, etc., and would be a credit to be used for future work by that line crew for projects that our crew lacks expertise in. Councilman Chavez made a motion to assign the ARR Optimization Funds of $8400 to the KMEA lineman program. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: City Administrator Michael Ort presented his October travel schedule.
*Mr. Ort reported to the council that he had visited with Brian Beil about the gravel on Arn Street and they had decided that they would go ahead and place the gravel now and then in the spring when they were repairing the ditch they would move the gravel to the side.
*The light pole in the 900 block of Main that was damaged has been ordered and the insurance company notified of the costs involved.
*The Bradfords have reported that the corn and milo crops look good and they should begin cutting corn soon with milo following close behind.
*The water and electric meter replacement is at just over 90% with about 30 A-Base meters that need to be changed out.
*Supplies have been ordered to plumb the water service for the five new camper spots at the lake and plans are to complete the project in October. Once completed, Mr. Ort will contact Mr. Foltz to schedule the dirt and concrete pad work.
*Four new speed limit signs were recently installed at the city lake.
*The property at the corner of Eakin and Wash streets is being purchased to possibly build a spec home or a duplex and the city was asked about participating in the process. Mr. Ort informed them of the possibility of the $5,000 incentive for new home construction and possible grant funding available through Economic Development.
*The work comp claimant is healing well and was back at work the day after surgery.
*One code enforcement letter was sent in September.
Councilman Chavez made a motion to enter into executive session for 30 minutes with the Mayor, Council, Attorney, Administrator, and Clerk in attendance for consultation with the city attorney pursuant to the attorney-client privilege exception, K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1). The open meeting will resume in the council chamber at 8:50. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Channell made a motion to come out of executive session. Councilman Steinbring seconded the motion; vote unanimous. No action was taken.
Councilman Fetters asked the council about repairing the railing at the office of Randy Washburn on Main Street, due to the golf cart accident that happened a couple of years ago. The issue was discussed and a plan was made to repair the damage to the damage to the sidewalk. Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
October 14, 2020
The Jetmore City Council met in special session on October 14, 2020. Mayor Olson called the meeting to order and led the group in the pledge of allegiance. Roll call was answered by Councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters and Larry Steinbring. Absent was Councilman Michael Hendrickson. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort and Asst. City Clerk Kelsey Keese.
The meeting was called to discuss the Kansas Homeland Security Region D Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Mr. Ort presented Resolution 2020-03, a resolution adopting the Kansas Homeland Security Region D Hazard Mitigation Plan. Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the resolution. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion, vote unanimous. Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous.