September 3, 2020
The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on September 3rd, 2020. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was answered by councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters, Mike Hendrickson and Larry Steinbring. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, City Attorney Clayton Kerbs and City Clerk Deb McKivergan.
Councilman Fetters made a motion to approve the consent agenda and August 13th minutes. Councilman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: ED Director Lea Ann Seiler presented the following written report: Sales tax decreased this summer, possibly due to people being able to get out and about again. Ms. Seiler investigated a Moderate Income Housing Grant. A housing assessment is needed and can be hired out for around $10,000, or a free one is offered through HAT, so she will proceed with that, working on it over the next 4-5 months. She continues to work on the census; a planned event didn’t happen due to the census representative not showing. An E-community loan was finalized in August. BCBS Grant equipment/supplies are ordered and coming in. A new podcast will be posted soon. She is working with the SPARK local task force on allocations that need to be completed by Sept. 14. Again this month several Zoom meeting were held. Zombie Paintball has been canceled this year due to COVID. The Health Department will be moving to a new building in the 300 block of Main and the ED office will move into the health department office. New banners will be placed on Main Street in early November to promote hunting season and Hodgeman County. At this time Christmas on Main is a go; final plans will be made late November or early December.
Mike Schmaderer, with KMEA, formerly with Mid States Energy, visited with the council about the five reclosers in our substation. Our current ones are old and finding parts is hard and often expensive. He offered several suggestions for upgrades and asked the council if they would like him to pursue it further.
Gary Seiler, Mayor of Hanston, and Haley Hahn and Levi Salmans, councilmen, visited with the council again about the possibility of sharing an employee. Their proposal included a possible 20 hour week for regular maintenance at a rate of $2800 per month and additional pay for emergencies or work beyond the scope of regular maintenance.
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney reported that court is going well.
CITY CLERK REPORT: City Clerk Deb McKivergan discussed the tax holiday, which would defer the employee portion of the social security payment for September through December payroll dates, but then if not made permanent double the withholding for January through April payroll, and asked them to determine if the city would opt in or continue as is. On recommendation of Staff, the council determined that it would be in the best interest of the employees to continue as is.
BUSINESS ITEMS: The council granted authority to the Administrator to move forward with getting firm numbers for reclosers and look into financing for five new reclosers, in consultation with Mr. Schmaderer.
After discussion, the council determined that the City doesn’t have the manpower to spare to share an employee with Hanston with the projects that we have listed on our long range plans. We are willing to help with emergencies, as always, but aren’t able to spare an employee for daily maintenance.
Council members voted to grant the Administrator authority to negotiate on behalf of the city at the upcoming mediation meeting between the city, KCAMP, and Farabee Mechanical.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT: City Administrator Michael Ort presented his September meeting/conference schedule.
*Mr. Ort presented the fund health report and answered any questions from the council.
*At this time, the engine at the power plant has undergone all of the tests and inspections and has passed them all. The five year warranty has officially begun. The staff will resume the schedule of regular monthly exercises.
*The service line warranty program will begin their fall promotion; it will be another letter like the one sent in the summer. The interior program is available, but only to customers who have already enrolled in the other two programs.
*The Schwartz alley required some additional work to be completed properly. A petition to vacate was drawn up and signed by the Schwartzs. A notice of hearing was drawn up and sent for publication. The hearing will be held and an ordinance published to complete the process.
*The Tucker Street vacation was not completed properly in 2017 and needs to be cleaned up. The petition was received and published, but a notice of hearing was not published nor a hearing conducted. The area to be vacated will possibly be changed; the Administrator is waiting for guidance from the Attorney and then a notice of hearing will be published for an October hearing.
*The street sealing project for the year was cut short due to lack of rock. The east side of town will be completed next year with the east/west streets on the west side of town. Arrangements have been made to have rock delivered in the spring for the summer project.
*Four code letters were sent in August.
Councilman Channell made a motion to enter into executive session for 20 minutes with the Council, Mayor, Administrator, Clerk and Attorney present, for consultation with the city attorney pursuant to the attorney-client privilege exception, K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1). The open meeting will resume at 9:25 p.m. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous. Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to come out of executive session. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous. No action was taken.
Councilman Hendrickson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Channell seconded the motion; vote unanimous.