March 2022 Meeting Minutes

March 3, 2022

The Jetmore City Council met in regular session on March 3, 2022 at 4:00 p.m., the meeting time being changed to allow members to attend the state basketball tournament in Dodge City that evening. Mayor Derek Olson called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was answered by councilmen Jeff Channell, Connie Chavez, Kyler Fetters, Charles Leet and Mike Thornburg. Also attending were City Administrator Michael Ort, City Attorney Clayton Kerbs and City Clerk Deb McKivergan.

Councilman Channell made a motion to approve the consent agenda containing the February 3 minutes and Appropriation Ordinance 2022-02. Councilman Fetters seconded the motion; vote unanimous.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT:  ED Director Lea Ann Seiler reported that we have been approved for the RHID Grant and discussed other grant opportunities that are available. There are two new businesses in town, one a hair salon and one a nail shop. The Tour of Honor will begin in April and Lea Ann will bring tokens to the City Office to be handed out to the participants. She will be purchasing banners for the summer season. The first mural will be in place at Judy’s Café soon. She has completed three BASE grants in Hodgeman County this past month. Mr. Ort also completed one for the city water well project.

CITY ATTORNEY REPORT:  City Attorney Clayton Kerbs reported that he has been researching the relationship between the Jetmore Housing Authority and the City of Jetmore. He will bring the findings to the council once they are completed.

CITY CLERK REPORT:  The City Clerk provided the lake passes and the golf course memberships to the council members that did not opt out.


*There is still an opening on the housing board; no action was taken.

*Farabee Mechanical has provided a temporary measure for addressing the ongoing oil temperature challenges we continue to face on the power plant engine. They offered a proposal to provide temporary additional lube oil cooling for the engine. They would provide all the skill, labor and materials to install additional lube oil cooling for our engine. The cost for this work is $7,500 and the temporary measures will remain in place until the city is able to make the permanent changes needed. Councilman Fetters made a motion to enter into the heat exchanger rental agreement with Farabee Mechanical. Councilman Chavez seconded the motion; vote unanimous.

ADMINISTRATOR REPORT:  City Administrator Michael Ort presented his March travel and training schedule.

*Mr. Ort presented the fund health report for January and February.

*Mr. Ort told the council that without objection he would attend the CPM class in person this month at Overland Park on March 15 & 16, instead of online, due to a scheduling conflict. No objection was stated.

*All the rock has been delivered for the city lake road project. Once all invoices are received, Mr. Ort will submit the paperwork for reimbursement to Wildlife and Parks.

*The grant application for the BASE grant was completed on Monday, February 28. It is a 75%/25% matching grant and it will be at least a couple of months before we know if we are selected. Ned marks came to town on February 28 and conducted some sampling on wells 12 and 13 to help determine the correct procedure to blend the two wells and bring well 13 back in operation for municipal supply.

Councilman Thornburg reported that the Lions Club is placing a shed on the community garden and asked for a donation of one or two buckets of dirty chat for the foundation.

Councilman Thornburg requested that the alley in the 300 block between Kenyon and Roughton be looked at and worked on to make sure that it drains properly into the street.

The council discussed putting an asphalt overlay on some of the dirt streets in town while doing the chat and seal project. Mr. Ort will look into the options and cost and report back to the council.

The council visited about the possibility of contracting some of the wheat crop for 2022. Mr. Ort will determine how much to contract.

Councilman Channell made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Thornburg seconded the motion; vote unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m.