Chapter VI – Elections


Article 1.   City Elections



6-101.                  CONDUCT OF ELECTION.  A regular city election shall be held on the first Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November of each odd numbered year. For offices open for election, the candidates for council receiving the two (or three, as the case may be) highest numbers of votes shall be declared elected for four years. Whenever there is a tie vote for two or more candidates and it is necessary to determine which candidate receives the office, the winner shall be determined by lot by the board of canvassers. The county clerk shall, within three days after the canvass of the returns and determination by the board of canvassers of the persons elected, deliver to each such person a certificate of election, signed by him or her, and sealed with the seal of the city, and such certificate shall constitute notice of election. (K.S.A. 25-2101 et seq.; Charter Ord. 2, Sec. 2; Code 2015, Charter Ord. 10 (12-3-2015) )

6-102.                  HOURS OF VOTING.  At all city elections the polls shall be open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m., unless different hours are set and publicly announced by the county election officer. (K.S.A. 25-2111, 26-206; Code 2015)

6-103.                  COMMENCEMENT OF TERMS OF OFFICE; OATH OF OFFICE.  (a)  The term of office for newly elected city officials shall commence with and include the first regular meeting of the council in May following their election in April.

(b)    Every person elected or appointed to city office, any time after receiving notice of election and before the first regular meeting of the council in May following their election in April, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation as specified in K.S.A. 54-106, and amendments thereto, and every such oath or affirmation shall be filed with the city clerk.

(c)    If any person elected to the office of councilmember does not qualify within thirty days of the first regular meeting of the council in May following their election in April, they shall be deemed to have refused to accept the office and a vacancy shall exist and the mayor shall appoint a qualified elector with the consent of the majority of the remaining councilmembers. (K.S.A. 15-201; K.S.A. 25-2120; Charter Ord. 2, Sec. 2; Code 2015)