The City of Jetmore 2023 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality is available to be viewed at the Kansas Rural Water Association (KRWA) website or by clicking here. Hard copies of the report are available at the City Office for anyone who wishes to have one. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the city office.
Author Archives: Michael Ort
September Council Meeting
Due to previously unforeseen conflicts the city council will not have a quorum for the upcoming Sept. 1 council meeting, which includes the 2023 budget and revenue neutral rate hearings. Because of this the council meeting and budget hearings will occur on Wednesday Sept. 7 instead. Any questions or concerns please call the city office and talk to Michael or Deb. Thank you!
Notice of Revenue Neutral Rate Hearing
The governing body of the City of Jetmore will meet on September 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM at City Hall for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to revenue neutral rate and proposed tax rate for the 2023 budget. The revenue neutral rate as calculated by the county clerk is 43.233. The proposed mill levy rate is 43.621.
2021 Consumer Confidence Report
The City of Jetmore 2021 Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality is available to be viewed at the Kansas Rural Water Association (KRWA) website or by clicking here. Hard copies of the report are available at the City Office for anyone who wishes to have one. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the city office.
Assistant City Clerk
The City of Jetmore is accepting applications for a full-time Assistant City Clerk. Primary duties will include utility billing, customer service, and code enforcement, with other duties as assigned by the City Administrator or City Clerk. A high school diploma or GED and 1-3 years in office experience is preferred. Must work well with the public and have proficiency in Microsoft Office. A full job description and application are available at the city office: 109 E. Bramley St.
Salary is dependent upon experience. Applications will be accepted until position is filled.
The City of Jetmore is an equal opportunity employer.